How much time do I need to commit?

Most people can make enough progress with 1-2 hours a day or 7 hours in a week. But like most things in life, the more time you give to something the better it turns out. I give homework based on each individual client’s time availability for their business. If you’ve got twenty hours, I can fill it. But if you only have seven, we’ll make it work.

In addition to this time, we have bi-weekly calls (Zoom or telephone, your pick) that last about forty minutes. They’re a chance for us to connect on a personal level, discuss more difficult concepts, and assign homework. Consulting calls are only effective if you get the help you need so that you can move on and get back to business. I’ve found that limiting phone time forces both of us to focus so you do get that specific help and can get back to creating art or implementing business strategies.

You can, of course, email me at any time to get an answer to a question before our call or for any other reason. I love this because if you have a call on Tuesday and then run into an obstacle on Wednesday, you’re not waiting 13 days to get that problem fixed. We talk it over through email and you can keep progressing each day until our next session.

How do I know if this is right for me?

Are you passionate & creative? Are you a kick-ass artist? You're feeling stuck, perhaps in a job you hate. You're dreaming of a beautiful art career and you just don't know how so many artists are killing it while you wait on the sidelines, antsy and frustrated. You feel like you're missing something. If you're there, but you're ready to make changes and finally build the art career you dream of? Then this program is right for you.

Am I going to feel like one of hundreds of other artists you’re working with?

I only work with 6 artists at a time. I’ve found that this is the most I can keep up with and still deliver the personalized attention and real connection with my clients that is essential to an effective consulting relationship. If I can’t remember what your art looks like because I work with so many people, then how can I advise you on what will work for YOUR business?

Will we talk about general business tips & strategies or will we look at what I need to do to grow my own business?

100% the latter. I thoroughly believe that every business is different – even every art business. Hell, even every painter’s business! Your goals and the life you’re looking for are unique, the people who buy your art are unique, your personal preferences are unique. You should have a business that is a reflection of all that uniqueness going on and my job is to help you get there. Rest assured I will teach you things I believe will work for your unique situation.

How do I know if we’ll get along?

I happily offer a little get-to-know you meeting before you commit. It’s a great chance to chat like friends and see if our personalities fit. It’s no fun to work in-depth with someone you don’t really like – for you or for me. This call is also a good opportunity to ask me questions so you can make a confident decision about working with me.

Will I be pushed? Will I have to leave my comfort zone?

It depends on where your comfort zone is, but typically you will have to leave it. I don’t believe you can build a successful business without leaving your comfort zone. I have weaknesses too, but one of my greatest strengths is the way in which I push the people I teach. You won’t feel bullied, but rather lovingly compelled to accomplish something that moves your business forward. And when you do accomplish it, we celebrate. Because I understand how much personal strength it takes to push through resistance and do something scary and that deserves to be celebrated.

How much does it cost?

The consulting packages range from $5500 to $11,000 depending on the Track you enroll in. Tracks range from 4-11 months.

Why do you make us apply?

I ask for applications because consulting only works if we are a good match. My expertise needs to match your needs, our personalities have to mesh, and I need to be the type of support that will help you become a successful artist. The application is no-obligation. After I review your application, I'll be in touch within a couple days to discuss. If I think it's a good fit, we'll set up a meeting to talk more in depth about your needs, the program options, and to make that final decision together.

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